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Join us in in our
regenerative tree
planting mission


1 tree will sequester an
estimated 0.30 tons
of carbon.

That’s equivalent to 732.9
miles in a standard car

Let’s plant some trees…

We want to leave the world a better place than we found it, part of that mission is to plant enough trees to help sequester our carbon dioxide output in the future.

We’re starting small but hopefully, in time there will be a whole forest of A Rule of Tum trees!

How we’re doing it…

We've made this really simple by using our retail shop profits and allowing our customers to add a tree to their bill which we will then arrange to have planted on their behalf.

As a customer, you can add a tree to your bill any time, for only £1.

Why trees?

Planting trees helps:

• Absorb carbon from the atmosphere

• Provide farms with work to support the local economy

• Give someone an income and a skill to feed their family

• Protect animals from deforestation

• Increase rainfall, purify water, and improve crop yield.